Excel Data Export Featured Added to RangeTech Web App

We are proud to announce the rollout of a highly requested feature: Data Export

For serious shooters who practice often, it can be helpful to export your data into an excel sheet where you can easily compare strings of fire or match strings of fire against past performance for easier comparison and analysis.

The data export tool is only available and functional from the web interface. It cannot be utilized from the mobile app.

To export your data visit RangeTechTimer.com and click “Access Saved Results” and then login to your account.

Utilize the date filters at the top of the screen to isolate the data you want to export. Click Update.

Now you will see all the shooting strings of data saved to your account during your selected date period. Each has a blue checkmark at the top right corner.

Click “Show/Hide Details” to expand the string of data and see each individual shot recorded in that string.

Toggle the blue checkmarks to select the strings of fire you wish to export. Note the Select All,  Deselect All, and Invert Selected options at the bottom of the screen to assist with your selction.

Now click “Export” at the top right of the screen.

This will prompt you in a popup window to select a filename and a save location to your computer based on your browser preferences and operating system.

The Spreadsheet will be formatted as follows:

In Column A: String Name. This could be blank if you didn't give it a name when you saved the data.

In Columb B: String Date and Time. This is the time stamp for when this shooting string occured.

In Column C: The number of shots in the string.

In Column D: Raw Total Time. The time from the go signal until the last shot was fired.

In Column E: First Shot. The time from the go signal to the first shot.

In Column F: Shot Number. For the purposes of working in the sheet this identifies each shot in it's own row of the sheet.

In Column G: Shot Time. The time from the go signal to the that shot in the string being fired

In Column H: Split Time. The time between the previous shot being fired and the current shot being fired. Shown as 0.00 for the first shot.



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